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About product

With powerful natural ingredients like Omega 3s, Jojoba oil, Vitamin E and Hyaluronic Acid this firming eye cream will reduce puffiness and promote cellular collagen production, toning skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes. Its unique combination of clinically proven ingredients offers long-term benefits such as boosting moisture levels, and increasing firmness and elasticity. It fights off signs of aging like sagging and fine lines and discoloration or dark circles under the eye area. This gentle yet effective firming eye cream also fights UV damage, preventing skin cancer and peeling.


  • All vegan ingredients
  • Won’t leave any sticky or greasy residue
  • Look and feel more energized
  • Made with all organic ingredients

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I adore this eye cream. I’m addicted. It’s all I’ll use now! SUPER hydrating. All you need is once pump for both eyes. It goes a LONG way.

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I've had undereye bags and dark circles most of my adult life. Sometimes they're better, sometimes they're worse, usually because I've been going too hard, eating poorly, not sleeping, etc. I've tried a bunch of different stuff, none of which helped, so I just gave up and accepted it as part of life. Recently they've been so bad, people have started to comment and even make little jokes; I laughed along, but inside I was mortified. Jumped on Amazon and found this eye cream and ordered it. I didn't pick it because of the ingredients or anything, I never know what those things are anyway. I chose it because of the number of 5 star reviews to be honest. I received my shipment on 9/19/18 and have been using it regularly morning and evening since. I have noticed a definite improvement in the bagginess and dark circles. Then I ordered the Vitamin C Serum and things really started to change. I use both twice daily, serum first then the eye cream over it. The bags have gotten smaller and much less puffy and the dark circles are beginning to recede. I couldn't be happier or more satisfied. No more comments or jokes and I look more rested.The eye cream is rich and smooth, goes on easily and absorbs quickly, not at all greasy like some. On top of the great product, their customer service couldn't be better - I've received several emails from the company making sure everything is ok and that I'm satisfied. They've even sent me videos and reading materials on skincare to help me understand how their products work and how to work towards the goals I want to achieve. A very satisfied customer (already got another shipment of the eye cream). Thank you Kleem Organics!

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This was a great idea to package "These Three"! I have the opportunity to try the product line, because I understand the importance of 1 product line regimen, especially for the face and neck.There is no stinging, burning or icky residue. My skin feels refreshed and new after each application.I have been a Chanel Girl for years, and the expense of that product line is through the roof, with very little noticeable results!I have only used KLEEM for approximately 2 weeks and fell in love with it immediately.The price points are excellent and I feel the Quality of this line. Keep up the good work and keep producing it and you will have a life-long client. It would be great if You developed Foundation, Concealer, Mascara and an awesome Brow product.The Client Services aspect of this company is Phenomenal! Very professional and I feel I have gained 2 new friends in Alessandra and Matteo because they send personal emails to inquire about their products and how I am responding to them. I love this because I follow up with each of my patients post-visit, to assure satisfaction, and let them know they have a direct line of communication and I am there for them. It's about building long-term relationships, and they have certainly greatly impressed me! They do Care.Also, the fragrance of the products is absolutely "Yummy" ! When I apply it, I breathe in very deeply to savor this. Very Lovely product line. I love it a Thousand Times X 12! My skin Thanks You!!You Guys Are the Best,Hellen J Xmith

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As a Retired Nurse Practitioner the 2nd best thing I LOVE about this cream is the Applicator or Dispenser “nozzle”. It keeps this magic cream clean and without bacteria as a jar would. YUCK!I haven’t been a fan or “Organics” as they tend to last a short time and for what one pays for an under eye cream, I can’t use it fast enough to get my monies worth especially when it is an OPEN JAR unlike KLEEM’s Under Eye Cream and from what I have seen, ALL of their products are a pump or a “closed” system of some kind to keep every product as free of germs as possible and after what we have all been through if we weren’t germaphobes before, we are now!I had a fracture to the lower part of my Orbital Socket (the bone that surrounds your eye) about 25 years ago and was offered by our Health “Can’t” System an implant to help it appear more symmetrical as a fracture at the bottom of your eye is a difficult area for even the BEST plastic surgeons to fix as it isn’t like we are dolls who had their face stepped on and our Mom or Daddy could just pop off it’s head and stick their finger up the neck and push the face back out with a “POP!”. If only it were THAT easy. Well, I thought long and hard about an implant after the fracture had healed as best as it was going to as I still had this sunken “line” where the bone could not be pulled out and the muscle/ligament/fat had shifted so I figured there wasn’t any other option however, knowing full well how Gravity works, I knew that in a few years I would require one in the “good” eye so would I be able to have it done to continue with the symmetrical appearance that the Health “Can’t” Wizards were so concerned about at the start of this tragic injury. Of course the answer was “NOPE.”. So I had fillers and a product that binds to bone and “calcifies” almost creating a false amount of “bone” in the sunken area….that’s the best way I can describe it with the limited room I have without going full medicalese in the explanation….. So, that product was my saving grace for about 4-5 sessions (it’s a little tougher and longer in between having “more” injected than just filler) until it was PULLED from the market by the Medical powers that be. During that time I did all I could to use makeup to camaflouge it to the point that I could have taught Kim Kardashian a thing or two about shading. Makeup shadowing techniques and some trial and a LOT of error$$$$ with eye creams and all of a sudden I was introduced to KLEEM Firming Eye Cream!I FOUND THE HOLY GRAIL!!!! Like very one else I wanted to use 100% organic however after a steep and I mean STEEP learning curve about skin care ingredients I discovered that all the money I had spent along with all of the “Secret Family Recipes” that friends and family of friends had shared, the answer is that there are some things that just do NOT work from a 100% Organic angle just like when I started to REALLY read and I mean READ labels on any and everything that went ON my face AND into my body. There were some of the most expensive creams I had tried all the way down to items that friends had brought me to try from other countries that clearly do not have the standards we do for what goes on our face…..there were a few that had ingredients that make house cleaning products as well as what can be found in the composition of a Shower Curtain. Yes, it freaked me out a bit. In that steep learning curve I had come to understand that SOME Organics are REALLY GOOD and SOME chemicals are NEEDED and if processed correctly and of high quality, there can be some GREAT products that more than meet the term “Organic”. What goes on out exterior which is the largest organ of all when it comes to being a human, is scrutinized MORE than what goes IN our bodies but Gov’t standards. That being said, after what we have all faced these past few years, NOTHING can ever give me back the faith I HAD in our Federal Medical Watchdogs who allegedly have our BEST interests in mind when declining products or accepting them.I had a Primary reason to truly learn about what goes on and in my body because about 8-9 years ago, I became VERY ill and during my treatments there were so many many things that I could NOT use anymore insofar as skin cream or shampoo (not that hair was a concern for awhile) and even toothpaste (I found THE BEST TOOTHPASTE IN THE WORLD ON AMAZON!) was something that would affect me tragically. During my treatments I became immunologically compromised and that was to be expected but I did not expect that I would remain immune compromised and will for the rest of my life so learning all that I have has really been a huge help in reading labels and knowing what is going to be a waste of money and not only make me sick and give me a really nice rash but what will and won’t work with the medications that I will be on for the rest of my life. ALL of this is a HUGE deal for someone that was about 3 body lotions from being on an episode of Hoarders but only for skin products, makeup, perfume (byeee!) and of course eventually hair products. My BFF definitely benefits when something comes my way and I can not use it and don’t KNOW FOR SURE until I actually TRY it as there are times when the label and my brain say “YES! THIS IS GOING TO WORK!” But my body says …well…..nothing really but it does give me one heck of a rash and incredibly sore and dry skin. There’s that HUGE organ that we have to take very very good care of or we pay for it when we get older! I am fortunate to have a mother that taught me to never go to bed with makeup on and always wear sunscreen and don’t forget to moisturize your NECK (and of course your décolletage!) so the “Wrinkle Goblin” never got me but I also will be honest and tell you that I started using Botox in my early 30’s as I had a PERMANENT “Squint” or “Surprise” look which is where wrinkles will just age you 10 x as fast when you get them there than “Smile lines” as my wonderful husband calls them.So…in this vast world of skin care products ranging from $8 to $800 and more, when you find a product in that sweet spot pricing area and it actually DOES WHAT IT SAYS IT WILL, you are OVER THE MOON!!! KLEEM IS THAT PRODUCT…well, KLEEM Under Eye Cream is. Right on their page it says to “Give us 6 weeks” and in 4 weeks we were engaged and by week 6 we were married for life!! I wasn’t concerned about the promise of getting rid of bags and dark circles or wrinkles as I have been blessed by the G-d and great genetics to not have to deal with those and I AM GRATEFUL as I will take EVERY “win” I get with huge SMILE and Heart FILLED with GRATITUDE! BUT, one thing that I NEVER thought of to help me with this “indent” (that almost WASN’T had that injectable product not been pulled!) was that it wasn’t about FILLING it as all fillers were a HUGE NO NO according to my Medical “Team” who I think enjoy a teeny tiny bit, saying “No” to me. I shall not argue with The Genius Team as I call them or I would not be here to tell you to BUY THIS EYE CREAM!One word on the page for KLEEM Under Eye Cream that hit me to the point I stopped breathing because it was SO OBVIOUS THAT I MISSED IT…..it “helps with SAGGINESS”!!! OF COURSE! It is NOT about FILLING but if I can TIGHTEN my skin I would at least have the illusion of not having a divot under my eye!! WELL, THIS PRODUCT IS THE TICKET! So what I can attest to is it has indeed done that, tightened my under eye area where that divot was/is/was as well as moisturize the area without feeling greasy and the “Happy Lines” are very very fine. That is what bothered me the most about that divot….it looked like a huge deep wrinkle….a singular wrinkle. Yes, I tried to shadow and camouflage it every which way but I ALWAYS STILL SAW IT and I would make sure that I sat in a chair where the sun was NOT shining on my face as well as wear hats….the wide brimmed flat top ones. A bonus I guess as I do love hats but I LOVE KLEEM A LOT MORE! I feel like I have most of my Self Esteem back and I actually go out WITHOUT Makeup on all the time….not that I go out a LOT and certainly not without a mask (yes N97….I have friends ;) but it is a REALLY GREAT FEELING when you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while and they actually say “You look GREAT!”. It’s Sincere, not “mean girl” as these are REAL FRIENDS and a LOT of them never knew and don’t know my health status as I chose to keep that quiet but in a review where it plays a part in WHY I know what I know and WHY I am SO gung ho on this product, It’s ok as I doubt anyone will read this and know it is me but it IS VERY important to ME that when I write a Review, the FACTS are there for you as reviews are WHY I WILL buy something or WON’T buy something. Again, BUY THIS! It is NOT Greasy, it absorbs well and it actually smells really nice! Like a fresh clean smell and definitely NOT chemialish kind of smell. It travels well as I do put it on 3 x a day on that “Divot” if it starts to feel like it is spongey and again that applicator is amazing. I really wish THAT was something that was mandatory for ALL face creams of any kind. ALL of KLEEM’s Products have a “Nozzle” like this one or a Pump or a Push down airless kind of jar that you do NOT put your fingers in and cause bacteria to run rampant. So far, it is clear that they are ahead of the game in skin care and they have several other products as well so I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to live on the edge and try their eyelash growth serum…..hey, I have trusted them with my eyes once so I have FAITH that this too will be a winner! As well as their Vit C but one product at a time.This is definitely a company that walks the talk and it takes a lot to impress me but I am impressed! If it did THIS much for a fracture (I would like to say I wish I had a BEFORE BEFORE photo but I actually don’t wish that. But I did find one that I cropped and blew up as much as I could and drew a circle around the shadowed divot as well as an “After” which is a few days old. I also snapped a few photos to show you the “nozzle” so that you can see what I mean about the bacteria factor not being as huge of an issue as an open jar would.I urge you to try it for the reasons that I didn’t need it as I would bet that it does EXACTLY what it says it will because after all of the “Promises” from other under eye creams being absolutely FALSE, This is that one in a million and I hope they continue to grow and prosper and make new products as they are an ethical Company as well and I believe they are “Bunny” approved as well so there are a LOT of bonuses including NO PARABENS!!!Try it, I believe that you will be as thrilled as I am and it’s 6 weeks out of your life to see if you will get some results, not a bad investment for the results I received. AND DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE A BEFORE PHOTO, if ONLY for YOURSELF! I have learned that it is THE best way to ACTUALLY SEE yourself with a comparison after photo as sometimes our “flaws” are only ours to see as no one else is as hard on us as we are on ourselves.Thanks KLEEM. I am thrilled and I haven’t smiled a lot for quite some time.One last thing I want to add, please do not think that ALL I use is this ONE product! I have a morning and evening routine with about 5-6 products and they all have their place but THIS product is the ONLY ONE that I use 3 x a day BECAUSE IT WORKS as well as it says! I carry it with me all the time.Stay healthy and happy!

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Kupuję ten krem po raz kolejny. Dobrze skonstruowany aplikator i dobry skład z retinolem. Świetnie nawilża

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Je gebruikt heel weinig

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J'aime beaucoup cette marque prix assez abordable et ma peau aime bien, après il faut assayé nous avons pas toutes les mêmes peaux perso je suis contente de mon achat 🤗👍

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Unlike other under-eye products, this doesn't have chemicals that pull your skin tight, but it does gently lighten, soften, and slightly reduce the bags under your eyes with consistent use. I only gave it four stars because it doesn't reduce puffiness much, at least not for me. But it does gently heal wrinkles and it does lighten the darkness of under-eye circles. I check ingredient lists carefully, and Kleem has very high quality natural ingredients for a fair price. Most wrinkle and under-eye products have a lot of cheap synthetic ingredients and are way overpriced, but Kleem is a refreshing exception.

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3 1/2 stars actually. This is not a pure cream "eye cream." It is a gel-cream, more gel-like to be honest. It's fine and is nice on the skin but maybe doesn't do much for me. Bonus that it did not irritate my sensitive skin around my eyes. Did nothing for dark circles, but did reduce some puffiness sometimes. Probably won't purchase again but it's not terrible.

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I bought Kleem eye cream in Oct 2022 for $16.96. It is listed on Amazon today for $35.50. I wrote to Kleem, and I called them greedy. I got an email back telling me that Amazon allows unauthorized third party sellers that with high probability ordered the items on lightning deals and are selling them at three/four times the price. So guess what? They are not greedy, they are a small company and are being damaged by Amazon's greed. If you go to iHerb . com, the prices on Kleem are normal. I just thought everyone should know.

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About product

The large array of vitamins and antioxidants, such as vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, works wonders to diminish dark spots while creating healthier skin cells for a radiant look that lasts all day. And the lightweight formula ensures that your skin won't feel weighed down or diminished. Plus, the fast absorption means that it won't leave your skin feeling greasy.


  • Ingredients are dermatologically tested for safety and effectiveness
  • All ingredients used are 100% natural and certified organic
  • Manufactured in the United States using cruelty-free practices
  • Vegan-friendly ingredients and free from parabens

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Not only does it smell wonderful but it feels fantastic going on. I’m really happy with this serum, use it in conjunction with same brand w/ retinol. Apply every other night. Skin is dewy, soft and nourished.

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I have been using Kleem's Advanced Retinol Moisturizer and added the Vitamin C Serum recently. My skin looks more toned and smoothed, and a few dark spots are now fading. The Kleem line is thoughtfully and economically packaged and a little product goes a long way. Enhanced with a light, natural orange scent as well as a range of organic ingredients, these products are a pleasure to use daily.

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This product seems to help skin look more youthful and lines in face less noticeable

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Affordable, and ships fast. Leaves my skin super soft and dewy. Brightens and pumps skin. Fragrance has a light citrus scent. Not over powering.

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For starters, I use this serum and their lotion as recommended.I'll start with my complaints: price is too high, scent of the serum (and the lotion) is way too strong, and lastly the product container seems overbulked with plastic as I've seen some other reviews mention. The whole silver colored bottom plastic piece is just that, a plastic piece. 100% unnecessary unless their design team just felt it was the right aesthetic, but one would assume the goal is to visually make the bottle LOOK bigger and that's it.So, I bought this product (and the lotion) a while back when they were on sale, I probably paid half the price. Things I like: I do think this serum helps prep my face for greatest moisture in combination with the lotion. I have dry skin type and the wrong lotions make my face flaky. This serum + the lotion at night make my face feel fully hydrated by morning and if I don't wash my face in the morning it's almost oily, which honestly my face seems to love as long as I wash it (so no breakouts). If this product were greatly reduced in price/on sale I honestly think I might purchase again but for full price my answer would be a decided "no." I don't notice any particular changes or effects on my face especially regarding anti-aging that would make me feel dependant on this particular product to continue purchasing. I truly don't notice any changes visibly with my skin after some time using both products. I feel like 3 stars is a fair and honest review as I do like this product, but I unfortunately don't know if I think it's worthy of its price point (and I don't like my face smelling so strong even across a room).

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: “This is a repeat purchase for me. I am very pleased with this product. It has a pleasant aroma and goes on smoothly. Initially you can feel a slight tightening of the skin, but after washing your face, the skin feels very smooth and silky.”

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This is my first order of this serum and so far I love it. It makes my skin feel like silk and I love the scent. Look forward to finishing the whole bottle and seeing the results.

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I was with some professional women at a luncheon and we were talking about college. They found by the year I graduated I had to be in my 70's. But, they said I looked no older than 50. I bragged about Kleem products which I give credit. For the last few years since retirement I started putting together my own facial products & have had success. However, my friend suggested Amazon to order Kleem. I ordered 3 products from them & received equal or better results than what takes me hours & hours to come up with the correct amounts of basic ingredients. I don;t have to do this any longer. Kleem Vit C with hydrolic acid Serum was as greatly effective and less expensive than my serum. I am enjoying also the 24 hour Kleem Cream as well as the Nighttime Kleem Cream. Only hitch was with the pump action it leaves a fair amount of product in the jar/bottle. But, even that is AOK as Kleem provided twist on jars that enables me to still use it. I prefer getting the pump action because it delivers the correct amount. Otherwise, I use more than needed which is a waste of money & fine product. I LOVE KLEEM! You will, too.

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Absolutely love this serum. Keeps my face and neck moisturised all day. Gives a lovely glow.

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Nog maar net gebruikt voelt goed. Nog vaker gebruiken voor de gewenste resultaat.

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Llevo años usando este sérum y es mi sérum de cuidado facial favorito indiscutible.Tengo una piel muy sensible que es propensa al enrojecimiento y puede irritarse muy rápidamente.El suero se tolera maravillosamente bien y no puedo imaginar mi rutina sin él. Lo uso todas las mañanas como paso 1 después de la limpieza. Después de eso me aplico una crema hidratante y finalmente protector solar. El suero me ayuda a reducir el enrojecimiento y las imperfecciones y creo que le da a la piel una apariencia más juvenil (tengo casi 40 años, pero a menudo escucho que luzco mucho más joven). También me encanta el aroma del suero (es puramente natural y proviene de las materias primas utilizadas, porque el suero no tiene fragancia, lo cual es particularmente importante para la piel sensible). Me alegro de que ahora incluso puedas comprar el suero como una suscripción de ahorro. Llevo muchos años usándolo y espero que nunca lo saquen del mercado.

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smells amazing and feels light on skin

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O produto excelente a bom preço

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About product

The Pure Anti-Wrinkle Face & Neck Retinol Cream with Hyaluronic Acid is a premium anti-aging face moisturizer that reduces wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines, and sun damage. This face cream is packed with three powerful bio-active ingredients: retinol, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E, which provide natural collagen and elastin production to firm and lift the skin for an improved, youthful look. This anti-wrinkle cream's nourishing and rejuvenating properties ensure moisture retention while evening out the skin’s tone and texture. It contains vitamins and antioxidants to hydrate and moisturize the complexion while adding radiance. Furthermore, this retinol cream is formulated with natural and organic ingredients made in the USA and not tested on animals, allowing consumers to experience a safe and effective product.


  • Leaves skin feeling soft and non-greasy
  • The citrus scent is light and pleasant
  • Contains Peptides and Retinol to help reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone
  • Absorbs well and does not leave any residue

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I bought this along with the vitamin c serum and facial cleanser and these products are beautiful. I'm about to purchase for the third time! The ingredients are great, the scent is great. These products are lightweight but you can really feel it working. The serum and moisturizer melt into the skin leaving no residue or dryness. My skin tone looks firm with an even tone. I saw noticeable results in 3 weeks and started receiving comments after 4 weeks. Three people at work have asked me which makeup I use (none!) With one asking what foundation I use because it stays on perfect all day (I'm a nurse). I don't wear any makeup, just use these three items, plus before I put on the serum I spritz my face with rose water. I think you're supposed to do this twice a day but I only do this after my shower each morning. I'm 43. The moisturizer has an interesting pump which I love. I hate contaminating products by sticking my fingers in the jar and it seems more hygienic than regular pumps, with better portion control. Highly recommended, I'm in love with this brand!

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I may have found my go to daily facial moisturizer! I absolutely love this face cream! It smells refreshing and feels good on my face while still feeling light. Perfect to put on before my foundation.

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I am 25 with oily skin and occasional eczema outbreaks. I use this cream and vitamin C serum twice a day. This cream is very hydrating for my skin, is great for a dewy and glowing look. I was still able to use this with eczema and there was slight stinging but no rashes, pimples or blisters. If you have sensitive skin or rosacea or eczema I would proceed with caution with this product.This product was most noticible around the fine lines around my eyes and the fine lines around my mouth. This product is more preventative for fine line wrinkles than it is at resolving deeper wrinkles.The smell is a light citrus with slight cinnamon tone. The cream is light and not too oily or watery. The cream is great for a dewy look but I would not recomend putting it on before wearing foundation or going for a matte look.I love the ingredients list and the quality of the product. My only complaint and the four stars rating is the packing. The label is crooked and the container has too much extraneous plastic packaging. The bottom is 3/4 hollow and makes it appear to have more product. I am not a fan of the pump it traps excess product and does not work effectively. For a product that touts no animal testing and being an all natural product I find it uncomfortable how much plastic is in the packaging and how I cannot recycle it.

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I purchased the 3-part set which includes: vitamin C serum; the anti-aging eye cream; and the face/neck retinol cream. I really love these products!! I've got very sensitive skin and these products are very kind to my skin. I can literally see the vitamin c serum tightening my skin. In fact, all 3 of the products in the set help with skin tightening. The retinol cream has a pump which puts out the perfect amount of cream to cover my face, neck and décolletage area!, so there is absolutely no waste. After using these products for several days, I can truly see an improvement in my overall skin appearance, including my under eye area. (I've got under eye bagginess which these products are honestly helping!!) In addition, I received a little card along with the products offering either a free set of (5) face masks or an eyelash curler. I chose the free face masks. I received some lovely assistance from the customer service representative, Alessandra, who made sure to explain to me that Amazon wouldn't allow 100% free products and so I would be charged 10 cents, LOL. She actually offered to refund the 10 cents!! How sweet is that? I received the free masks really quickly and those are amazing products too. So far I've only used the anti-aging mask. (There are 5 types: anti-aging; soothing; detox; nourishing; and hydrating.) My face was literally baby-bottom smooth after using the anti-aging mask. I just want to thank this company for providing such great products and for having extremely excellent customer service. And no, I was not paid anything to leave this review. I'm a paying customer just like everyone else. :-)

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I have been using this product for years. Great value

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Seems like just a night cream. I have not noticed that it helps with anything else. Product states 2.5% retinol, not to sure about that.

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Update: I purchased this product a little less than 6 months ago. I was using the product about 3 times a week. Only because I usually forgot to put it on. After the first month I realized my skin was missing the product. What I Mean, I started noticing how soft my skin was, unlike my other 'top of the line' facial creams. I noticed on the days I used Keem, the cream made my skin very supple, so soft, it isn'theavy or oily. I dont put my make yp on directly after using it, but by the time I dry my hair I can apply my make up.When my makeup was applied, my skin lookes so healthy. . Once I started noticing the big change in my skin, I decided If this product can do all this for my face by using it on average of 3 to 4 times a week, imagine how much better my skin will look and feel using it 7 dsys a week.(my lightening bolt moment lol) Keem became a daily regement for me. No other facial creams have ever made me stop in my tracks like this and take notice to what was happening to my skin. I love it so much, I recommended it to my 82 year old mother. God bless her, she is still fighting the sight of age. Not only is she loving it, but so is my daughter. I have one negative; the jar drives me nuts. Because there is no stem going down into the product, when the jar is half empty it no longer comes up through the top no matter how hard I push the white lid. Since I do love the product so much, I bare through it and open the lid to access the product. Thank goodness the jar can be opened by twisting the lid off.Looking forward to other great products that doesnt break the bank.Sincerely,A Valued Customer

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This comes with a pump button top and is lovely to use. When it seems empty, take off the top and find lots of product left. No irritation on mature skin, love the fragrance.

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I’ve never reviewed a skincare product such as this one, I decided to give it a try for a week and review what I’ve experienced. I can honestly say that I’ve been very pleased with the results so far. As soon as I took the lid off, I could smell the distinct and sweet smell of oranges - very refreshing. I like the fact that when you pump the product out of the pretty container, the perfect amount is dispensed each time which is not only time-saving but somewhat of a necessity. The product feels soft on the skin; it glides on easily and there is no “greasiness” feeling whatsoever. I love the smell, the texture I’d highly recommend it to anyone needing some added moisturizer when doing your daily skin routine.

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Mi esposa la gusta mucho sigo comprando

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Ho appena ricevuto la crema klem notte costo 100 euro...è identica in tutto, istruzioni comprese, alla crema giorno costo 30 euro

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Small amounts go a long way, smooth and easy to apply. Value for money.

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Best eye cream for wrinkles of 2024

Updated May, 2024
Best Pick
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Kleem Organics Anti Aging Eye Cream - Reduces Dark Circles, Puffiness, Bags, Crow's Feet, Fine Lines & Sagginess

Kleem Organics

kleem organics anti aging eye cream
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Organic Vitamin C Serum for Face with Hyaluronic Acid - Best Anti Wrinkle Facial Serum to Reduce Wrinkles, Dark Spots & Sun Damage - Anti Aging Brightening Vitamin C Face Serum for Women & Men -1.7 Oz

Kleem Organics

organic vitamin c serum
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Honorable Mention
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Kleem Organics Retinol Moisturizer - 2.5% Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid for Face Rejuvenation and Anti Aging - For Women and Men

Kleem Organics

kleem organics retinol moisturizer
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Buying Guide

Vitamin C is important for many functions in the body, including the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, and the maintenance of healthy skin. When looking for a natural vitamin C product, it is important to check the label to see what percentage of vitamin C is actually in the product. The higher the percentage, the more potent the product will be. However, using a product containing at least 10% vitamin C is important, as lower concentrations will not be effective. You also want to look for a product that contains L-ascorbic acid, which is the most potent form of vitamin C. Avoid products that contain ascorbyl palmitate or sodium ascorbyl phosphate, as these forms are not as effective. Vitamin C is a notoriously unstable ingredient and can easily degrade when exposed to light or air. This means that many products that claim to contain vitamin C actually do not have very much of the active ingredient left by the time they are used. To ensure that you are getting a potent product, look for one that comes in a dark bottle with a pump dispenser, as this will help to keep the vitamin C stable. When it comes to natural products, less is more. You want to look for a product that contains just a few simple ingredients, as this will reduce the risk of irritation and skin sensitivity. Additionally, avoid products that contain fragrances or essential oils, as these can also cause irritation.
kleem organics anti aging eye cream
kleem organics anti aging eye cream

Featured Products

Kleem Organics Anti Aging Eye Cream - Reduces Dark Circles, Puffiness, Bags, Crow's Feet, Fine Lines & Sagginess

kleem organics anti aging eye cream

@Kleem Organics

With powerful natural ingredients like Omega 3s, Jojoba oil, Vitamin E and Hyaluronic Acid this firming eye cream will reduce puffiness and promote cellular collagen production, toning skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes. Its unique combination of clinically proven ingredients offers long-term benefits such as boosting moisture levels, and increasing firmness and elasticity. It fights off signs of aging like sagging and fine lines and discoloration or dark circles under the eye area. This gentle yet effective firming eye cream also fights UV damage, preventing skin cancer and peeling.

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Product features

  • All vegan ingredients
  • Won’t leave any sticky or greasy residue
  • Look and feel more energized
  • Made with all organic ingredients


Is this product vegan?

Yes, the product is vegan, none of the ingredients have an animal origin.

How many times a day should I apply it?

Depending on your specific needs, we suggest to apply the product twice a day in the morning and in the evening before your moisturizer.

Organic Vitamin C Serum for Face with Hyaluronic Acid - Best Anti Wrinkle Facial Serum to Reduce Wrinkles, Dark Spots & Sun Damage - Anti Aging Brightening Vitamin C Face Serum for Women & Men -1.7 Oz

organic vitamin c serum

@Kleem Organics

The large array of vitamins and antioxidants, such as vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, works wonders to diminish dark spots while creating healthier skin cells for a radiant look that lasts all day. And the lightweight formula ensures that your skin won't feel weighed down or diminished. Plus, the fast absorption means that it won't leave your skin feeling greasy.

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Product features

  • Ingredients are dermatologically tested for safety and effectiveness
  • All ingredients used are 100% natural and certified organic
  • Manufactured in the United States using cruelty-free practices
  • Vegan-friendly ingredients and free from parabens


Does this product contain parabens and silicones?

No, this product is parabens and silicones free.

Are there any side effects to be expected?

If this is your first time using active ingredients as Vitamin C in high concentration, you may experience slight dryness and/or slight tingling sensation at the beginning of use. Allow your skin to adjust to them by applying the product only 4/5 times per week before passing to the once-a-day/twice-a-day application.

Kleem Organics Retinol Moisturizer - 2.5% Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid for Face Rejuvenation and Anti Aging - For Women and Men

kleem organics retinol moisturizer

@Kleem Organics

The Pure Anti-Wrinkle Face & Neck Retinol Cream with Hyaluronic Acid is a premium anti-aging face moisturizer that reduces wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines, and sun damage. This face cream is packed with three powerful bio-active ingredients: retinol, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E, which provide natural collagen and elastin production to firm and lift the skin for an improved, youthful look. This anti-wrinkle cream's nourishing and rejuvenating properties ensure moisture retention while evening out the skin’s tone and texture. It contains vitamins and antioxidants to hydrate and moisturize the complexion while adding radiance. Furthermore, this retinol cream is formulated with natural and organic ingredients made in the USA and not tested on animals, allowing consumers to experience a safe and effective product.

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Product features

  • Leaves skin feeling soft and non-greasy
  • The citrus scent is light and pleasant
  • Contains Peptides and Retinol to help reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone
  • Absorbs well and does not leave any residue


Where is the product made?

The product is made in the USA.

Which is the percentage of Retinol contained in the product?

The product contains 0.5% of Retinol in strength and 2.5% in volume.

Can you wear makeup?

After applying it? Absolutely! Smooths and moisturizes without being greasy, so makeup applies easily and doesn’t get messed up with oiliness.

Can you use it in the morning and night?

Yes, morning and night.

Amazon Reviews

Read the review on Amazon
"I adore this eye cream. I’m addicted. It’s all I’ll use now! SUPER hydrating. All you need is once pump for both eyes. It goes a LONG way."
Read the review on Amazon
"I've had undereye bags and dark circles most of my adult life. Sometimes they're better, sometimes they're worse, usually because I've been going too hard, eating poorly, not sleeping, etc. I've tried a bunch of different stuff, none of which helped, so I just gave up and accepted it as part of life. Recently they've been so bad, people have started to comment and even make little jokes; I laughed along, but inside I was mortified. Jumped on Amazon and found this eye cream and ordered it. I didn't pick it because of the ingredients or anything, I never know what those things are anyway. I chose it because of the number of 5 star reviews to be honest. I received my shipment on 9/19/18 and have been using it regularly morning and evening since. I have noticed a definite improvement in the bagginess and dark circles. Then I ordered the Vitamin C Serum and things really started to change. I use both twice daily, serum first then the eye cream over it. The bags have gotten smaller and much less puffy and the dark circles are beginning to recede. I couldn't be happier or more satisfied. No more comments or jokes and I look more rested.The eye cream is rich and smooth, goes on easily and absorbs quickly, not at all greasy like some. On top of the great product, their customer service couldn't be better - I've received several emails from the company making sure everything is ok and that I'm satisfied. They've even sent me videos and reading materials on skincare to help me understand how their products work and how to work towards the goals I want to achieve. A very satisfied customer (already got another shipment of the eye cream). Thank you Kleem Organics!"
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