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About product

These wrinkle remover strips from Smoothies feature a unique formulation that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and uneven skin texture. These patches offer an alternative to traditional creams and serums by providing moisturizing properties, adding a layer of convenience for users. Moreover, the wrinkle remover strips are lightweight and manageable in size, fitting all areas of the face, making them ideal and effortless to wear.


  • 56 pieces
  • Latex-free design
  • Variety shaped strips
  • Silicone gel adhesive

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I’ve been using these for at least five years now since I gave up spending hundreds of dollars for Botox. They work great. I’m 70 years old and have no 11s on my forehead. I’d recommend them to anybody who doesn’t have an extra $400 every eight weeks they’re reusable they’re easy to put on and take They also When they’re new And for me, they have no effect on my skin, other than to smooth out my wrinkles.

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I've been using these for years and I’m constantly getting asked what do I use. I started using them because I sleep on my side and I would wake up with lines under my eyes and on my forehead. Then I discovered how well they worked and started using them all over, on my 11’s and my marionettes.I've referred so many women to these that I asked to be an affiliate.These really do work and turn back the clock. Better than botox because they don't have all those nasty chemicals. But, if you use botox, these are great for in between treatments.I love the gentle ones because they are easy to remove. I've used the variety pack, but those can’t be used under the eyes.And just a little secret between us girls, if you put these under your eyes and wear them overnight, they get rid of puffiness better than any eye cream, ice or hemorrhoid cream.There, now my secret is out for the Amazon world to see. I feel better, and so will you when you add these to cart.

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I wake up to hydrated smooth skin where I applied these. At first, the wrinkes would come back shortly after I removed the strips. Now after using a few weeks, I'm starting to see more lasting results. I've tried a similar product that was more papery but this one is easier to use.

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Good adhesion and lightweight. Having purchased 2 sets of silicone wrinkle pads before which were much thicker I was sceptical when these arrived as the were much thinner. However they stuck well even in the heat and removed the wrinkles from my chest area. I wouldn’t be able to say if this is permanent but they are good to wear overnight before an occasion. In the pack although tiny was 5 sets of strips so overall a good purchase.

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I was hoping these would be more like the SiO silicone patches. But these are very thin, and they feel more like a piece of tape with a thin layer of adhesive on one side. You do get a lot of them for a cheaper price than just one pair of SiO patches. They adhere pretty well. They do give similar results to the SiO patches. I don't think each individual patch will last for as many uses as the SiO patches can. I think they lose their stickiness faster, even with washing them. But you get so many! So that's the trade-off.

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I do see a difference albeit temporary, but it is there!I have not used them long-term, so I cannot comment on whether the difference stays with longer use

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I got these because I wanted a little more wrinkle prevention in my skincare routine. These patches are bit smaller than i expected especially for the forehead and the eye patches were too big for my under eyes and somewhat uncomfortable to sleep in. The patches are also only good for one use really. This is just a first impression review, I’m going to continue to use the product to see if I get any results.

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I have purchased several other variations of these and this particular product does not adhere well. They do not stick to your face and come off in the middle of the night. I see them stuck to my pillow in the morning. I wash and dry my face, then put them on a dry, non-oily face but they still do not adhere like other brands I've used. I don't recommend

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I have used Smoothies for a while. I didn’t realize I was buying “gentle” this time. These do not stick. I have slightly oily skin and these just don’t work for me at all.

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Je trouve que cela ne me donne pas le résultat escompté

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Habe jeweils einen Streifen auf der Stirn und zwei unter den Augen probiert.Ich habe die Pflaster laut Anleitung nach der Reinigung aufs trockene Gesicht geklebt.Der Streifen auf der Stirn hat leider eher schlecht gehalten und ist dann nach einigen Stunden fast von selbst abgegangen. Eine Minderung der Falten konnte ich nicht feststellen.Die Pflaster unter den Augen waren sehr unangenehm, so dass ich sie nach kurzer Zeit entfernen musste. Seit der Anwendung juckt und brennt eines der unteren Augenlider und ist geschwollen.Bei den Pflastern aus Silikon steht extra dabei, dass sie auch für den Augenbereich geeignet sind und ich habe normalerweise keine empfindliche Haut, daher für mich ein absoluter Reinfall.

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Si tratta si semplici cerotti, non sono i bevuti di alcuna sostanza.. Inutili!

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About product

The Smoothies wrinkle remover strips effectively respond to the need for a non-invasive, simple method to mitigate wrinkles, thus immensely appealing to consumers seeking an alternative to injections and other procedures. Its ergonomic design and optimal size make these patches ideal for specific areas such as between the eyebrows, lip lines, naso-baial folds, and crow’s feet. Plus, being hypoallergenic highlights their safety profile - making them well-suited even for those with sensitive skin types.


  • 144 pieces
  • BPA-free design
  • Triangle shaped strips
  • Strong reusable adhesive

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I bought these and the DermaGen brand at the same time and these are my favorite so far for several reasons. First, they tend to adhere better which keeps them in place when sleeping. I think the instructions state that you shouldn't sleep with them if you are a side or stomach sleeper, however, nighttime is when I get my time in with these strips. I bought a "Just the Pillow" which keeps your face up off your pillow, and the combination works great. The DermaGens tended to move around, and it takes them a little longer to get good adhesion. Used on top of moisturizers, both measured about the same, but doing so reduced the number of times you could reapply the DermaGen. Secondly, you get a lot of sheets with multiple shapes pre-cut so for the price you get a lot more use out of these since they are re-usable. The DermaGens are pre-cut to one shape only (the half moon packets) with about 18 which are usually only re-usable once before they give up on adhesion. Third, these are much more discreet, as they are almost translucent which also helps with applying them where you need to. Because these are so thin and almost see-through, your partner doesn't have to go to bed with someone looking all taped up. The DermaGens are a yellowish thick gel-like pad and there is no escaping the fact that you're wearing them. Do these work? Yes, they temporarily even out the skin so that wrinkles are less noticeable. I had hoped for a permanent solution, which as of yet, isn't the case, but with repeated use most wrinkles stay at bay a little while longer before appearing again, though not as bad. I have definitely noticed days where they don't seem so prominent, but give me a weekend of smashing my face into the pillow and I start to see the reminders that they do exist. Overall, I will stick with these along with my collagen solution and moisturizers. I use a Neutrogena micro-dermabrasion wand a few times a week and it all boils down to keeping up with a skin regimen that we older ladies are resigned to do if we want to freeze time. I'm in my early 50s and hope with the combination of tricks that I can hold off father time a little longer, though I started a bit late.

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I had been using the big brand that has been around for over a century for several months and I was noticing it was helpful. But I was curious if there was something a little bit cheaper or even more effective so I gave these a try. I ordered the smaller triangles, but I wanted the larger ones. At the time, they would arrive too late as I was out of my other ones, so I had to order the smaller ones. I figured they would hold me over, but the bigger ones seem like they'd work better since I'm really targeting my entire forehead which is long and big. After using these for several nights, I could tell they were effective, but like I suspected, I need the larger triangles to deal with the forehead otherwise there are too many I need to overlap and there are a lot of lines that stay there for a long time on your face especially if you are not extremely hydrated or seasoned in applying these. For me, one of the small ones works perfectly for the 11's, each crow feet area, and each smile lines. I had 2 deep lip cracks which are wrinkles on one side of my lip, and I had to cut these in half and experiment numerous times for me to get it over my lip right without my lip doing something weird and trying to flip over or the skin would bulge. I figured out I sort of had to connect it with the smile line ones, but I don't like sleeping in them especially if I sweat or drool or something as the area feels damp under. I work from home and don't leave the house alot, so it's better to wear the lip one during the day. I can even drink water with it and it stays on, but like I said that took some tweaking on getting a thin strip. And some nights I feel like it just won't line up right, but that's because my lip situation is complicated and not typical which is from pursing my lips my whole life which I didn't notice until the last few years that I do when I'm focused or stressed which is 100% of the time it seems lol The small ones definitely don't work for my forehead when I need the entire area covered, and I am curious about the larger size but I am not ready to reorder yet. There were too many creases from all of them. I don't think these sizes work for that when your wrinkles cover the entire forehead. A few small ones would be fine, but that wasn't my situation. I am extremely sensitive and usually react or am allergic to most things on the planet, and I didn't react to these. I did the same thing as I did with the other patches and did my entire facial routine and applied moisturizer, then I would apply the patches after at least 20 minutes or longer once everything was absorbed by my skin. An hour was most ideal. Taking them off the next day was no problem and didn't rip my skin. There was one day I had a reaction similar to another reviewer where it was all red and rashy looking underneath the triangle between my 11's as it was the only one I applied the night before. I specifically remembered applying my moisturizer which had hyaluronic acid in it, and I was curious what would happen if I put this on before it's soaked in. Well, there you go, that created the reaction. It was just pooled under the strip, and it irritated everything. So, that tells me people with reactions may not have waited until all their facial products have fully absorbed (if they didn't have an allergic reaction). This was discerning because it looked like a red UFO between my eyebrows, so I put that pink Cal. rash lotion on with a little bit of this other natural rash cream a couple times a day, and later that night it finally dissipated. I can imagine if I didn't put the right product on this like that pink rash cream that it could go on for days and days because rashes are usually hard to get rid of. This actually looked like a mild burn too.Anyway, I do prefer the brand that has been around the longest for the forehead because of how tight it gets and how it works for my specific issues covering my entire forehead so I need a cast. But these are definitely better looking and you don't have to feel like a freak since they are pretty clear. I can even wear them under my hats in the winter when I go in public. Heck, I wore the paper ones under my hat and I'm sure people were wondering what was on my forehead, but I really don't care because I have been determined to feel prettier. I wore the other brand for several months and it took me about a month of wearing them every day to really notice a difference with wrinkle taping. After a month the wrinkles would stay away longer and even my 8-year-old son noticed one day in the car that he said the patches are working which he just said out of the blue. I'm pretty sure I cried lol They say you want to do wrinkle taping every night for a month or so and then you can just do it a few days a week or just see how your body responds. It helps you retrain the muscles and to get used to not moving them. The days I'm extra animated, are the days I really noticed the wrinkles coming. If I can just stay home and relaxed with minimal talking which is actually very healthy to the soul, things look better.Now, as I was using these a while I decided to splurge and get some injections. The spot in between my 11's looked like it was going to do something weird after a few days which had happened to me before where there was a really deep crease in it worse than normal. It's like somebody took their pointer and thumb finger and pinch that area and it stuck that way. This has happened before with other injections if I'm squinting alot right after I get them as it's like the injections want to settle in that position and it's like I caused it myself. My eyes have been so blurry lately and I'm constantly squinting and I noticed it happening again which literally happened the last time with my squinting and having a period of really blurry eyes when that botched situation happened. The last time I did this they actually had to fix it because I looked crazy. So, since it was several days in and getting worse I decided to put the small triangle on that exact spot before bed and the next day it all went back to normal. Phew, because it is a pain to have to go back in and get something tweaked. I am going to use these as often as possible to see how much longer I can stretch out these injections. I have not gotten them done in 3 years until right now as I am writing about this because of cost and that my body just releases it after less than 2 months and it just was getting too expensive. My intentions are by using these regularly that will help me extend them and help train my face more especially when it starts to wear off. So, I feel fortunate to be able to test these in both situations. I didn't expect to even go back to injections, but one day I just had it with not feeling pretty or youthful and I put it on credit lol, and I'm manifesting that all coming back plus some because I'm worth it. Anyway, I like these, and excited to see if the bigger triangles work better, especially because you can cut them too so you wouldn't need a set of these smaller ones in addition for other areas.**Update** wrinkle taping is extending my injections by many months. It's amazing. It's been 6 months since I had them and I still look great. Maybe it's all wore off and I just look younger without them. I have no idea.

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I have been buying these for a while now and I am pretty pleased. I found that they really help to keep those lines and wrinkles at a minumum. I love that: 1) They are gentle on my skin 2) I can apply my skincare underneath and experience NO irritation 3) I wear them overnight, and they stay on the whole time and the patches themselves are easy to remove in the a.m.I tried Frownies in the past but found that they left dent marks in my skin by the morning, and furthermore, they caused irritation upon removal. Not these! The ONLY thing that I am not happy with is that no matter what I do, I always have some leftover adhesive stuck to my skin - and of course it's hard to detect until you have applied your foundation! It does take a little extra care to remove it all, but these Facial Smoothies are still worth it!

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Llegó a tiempo el producto, si es lo que dice en la descripción del mismo, me encantó y si me sirvió para lo que lo compre

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For such a simple little thing, these really pack a punch in terms of smoothing out wrinkles overnight. I wear them often and see a big difference. You have to keep it up to get a lasting effect but if you wear them most nights you will see lines reduce. I tried surgical tape when I ran out of these handy little stickers but to be honest these are worth it and are faff free.

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Diese patches sind besser als andere, auch wenn sie evtl. nicht so nachhaltig sind, sie haften sehr viel besser und wirken auch! Ausserdem sind sie sehr einfach zu benutzen und müssen nicht befeuchtet werden!! Ich kann sie auch mit meinen Cremes benutzen, meistens, lasse ich dafür die Creme jedoch vollständig einziehen bevor ich die patches aufklebe. Werde sie wieder kaufen!

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J'utilise ces bandes pour éviter d'avoir des rides sur le front. Les résultats se sont vus des le premier jour. Je suppose que chacun a sa technique, pour ma part, je coupe les bandes en 2 (1 de chaque côté du front) et les utilise 3 fois chacune. Les bandes peuvent gêner les premiers jours mais on s'habitue rapidement. Contrairement aux autres commentaires, je n'ai pas eu de réaction cutanée mais par sécurité il faut quand même faire l'essai sur une partie moins visible du visage. C'est un peu cher mais pour l'instant ça me convient parfaitement.

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About product

These wrinkle remover strips from Smoothies provide an efficient, non-invasive method of smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Further contributing to their efficacy is their substantial backing, providing a comfortable and robust design that helps prevent new wrinkles from occurring. Moreover, this proactive approach to remedying and preventing the manifestation of wrinkles adds another dimension to its appeal.


  • 48 pieces
  • Paraben-free design
  • Long forehead-shaped strips
  • Skin-friendly acrylic adhesive

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I bought these and the DermaGen brand at the same time and these are my favorite so far for several reasons. First, they tend to adhere better which keeps them in place when sleeping. I think the instructions state that you shouldn't sleep with them if you are a side or stomach sleeper, however, nighttime is when I get my time in with these strips. I bought a "Just the Pillow" which keeps your face up off your pillow, and the combination works great. The DermaGens tended to move around, and it takes them a little longer to get good adhesion. Used on top of moisturizers, both measured about the same, but doing so reduced the number of times you could reapply the DermaGen. Secondly, you get a lot of sheets with multiple shapes pre-cut so for the price you get a lot more use out of these since they are re-usable. The DermaGens are pre-cut to one shape only (the half moon packets) with about 18 which are usually only re-usable once before they give up on adhesion. Third, these are much more discreet, as they are almost translucent which also helps with applying them where you need to. Because these are so thin and almost see-through, your partner doesn't have to go to bed with someone looking all taped up. The DermaGens are a yellowish thick gel-like pad and there is no escaping the fact that you're wearing them. Do these work? Yes, they temporarily even out the skin so that wrinkles are less noticeable. I had hoped for a permanent solution, which as of yet, isn't the case, but with repeated use most wrinkles stay at bay a little while longer before appearing again, though not as bad. I have definitely noticed days where they don't seem so prominent, but give me a weekend of smashing my face into the pillow and I start to see the reminders that they do exist. Overall, I will stick with these along with my collagen solution and moisturizers. I use a Neutrogena micro-dermabrasion wand a few times a week and it all boils down to keeping up with a skin regimen that we older ladies are resigned to do if we want to freeze time. I'm in my early 50s and hope with the combination of tricks that I can hold off father time a little longer, though I started a bit late.

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I had been using the big brand that has been around for over a century for several months and I was noticing it was helpful. But I was curious if there was something a little bit cheaper or even more effective so I gave these a try. I ordered the smaller triangles, but I wanted the larger ones. At the time, they would arrive too late as I was out of my other ones, so I had to order the smaller ones. I figured they would hold me over, but the bigger ones seem like they'd work better since I'm really targeting my entire forehead which is long and big. After using these for several nights, I could tell they were effective, but like I suspected, I need the larger triangles to deal with the forehead otherwise there are too many I need to overlap and there are a lot of lines that stay there for a long time on your face especially if you are not extremely hydrated or seasoned in applying these. For me, one of the small ones works perfectly for the 11's, each crow feet area, and each smile lines. I had 2 deep lip cracks which are wrinkles on one side of my lip, and I had to cut these in half and experiment numerous times for me to get it over my lip right without my lip doing something weird and trying to flip over or the skin would bulge. I figured out I sort of had to connect it with the smile line ones, but I don't like sleeping in them especially if I sweat or drool or something as the area feels damp under. I work from home and don't leave the house alot, so it's better to wear the lip one during the day. I can even drink water with it and it stays on, but like I said that took some tweaking on getting a thin strip. And some nights I feel like it just won't line up right, but that's because my lip situation is complicated and not typical which is from pursing my lips my whole life which I didn't notice until the last few years that I do when I'm focused or stressed which is 100% of the time it seems lol The small ones definitely don't work for my forehead when I need the entire area covered, and I am curious about the larger size but I am not ready to reorder yet. There were too many creases from all of them. I don't think these sizes work for that when your wrinkles cover the entire forehead. A few small ones would be fine, but that wasn't my situation. I am extremely sensitive and usually react or am allergic to most things on the planet, and I didn't react to these. I did the same thing as I did with the other patches and did my entire facial routine and applied moisturizer, then I would apply the patches after at least 20 minutes or longer once everything was absorbed by my skin. An hour was most ideal. Taking them off the next day was no problem and didn't rip my skin. There was one day I had a reaction similar to another reviewer where it was all red and rashy looking underneath the triangle between my 11's as it was the only one I applied the night before. I specifically remembered applying my moisturizer which had hyaluronic acid in it, and I was curious what would happen if I put this on before it's soaked in. Well, there you go, that created the reaction. It was just pooled under the strip, and it irritated everything. So, that tells me people with reactions may not have waited until all their facial products have fully absorbed (if they didn't have an allergic reaction). This was discerning because it looked like a red UFO between my eyebrows, so I put that pink Cal. rash lotion on with a little bit of this other natural rash cream a couple times a day, and later that night it finally dissipated. I can imagine if I didn't put the right product on this like that pink rash cream that it could go on for days and days because rashes are usually hard to get rid of. This actually looked like a mild burn too.Anyway, I do prefer the brand that has been around the longest for the forehead because of how tight it gets and how it works for my specific issues covering my entire forehead so I need a cast. But these are definitely better looking and you don't have to feel like a freak since they are pretty clear. I can even wear them under my hats in the winter when I go in public. Heck, I wore the paper ones under my hat and I'm sure people were wondering what was on my forehead, but I really don't care because I have been determined to feel prettier. I wore the other brand for several months and it took me about a month of wearing them every day to really notice a difference with wrinkle taping. After a month the wrinkles would stay away longer and even my 8-year-old son noticed one day in the car that he said the patches are working which he just said out of the blue. I'm pretty sure I cried lol They say you want to do wrinkle taping every night for a month or so and then you can just do it a few days a week or just see how your body responds. It helps you retrain the muscles and to get used to not moving them. The days I'm extra animated, are the days I really noticed the wrinkles coming. If I can just stay home and relaxed with minimal talking which is actually very healthy to the soul, things look better.Now, as I was using these a while I decided to splurge and get some injections. The spot in between my 11's looked like it was going to do something weird after a few days which had happened to me before where there was a really deep crease in it worse than normal. It's like somebody took their pointer and thumb finger and pinch that area and it stuck that way. This has happened before with other injections if I'm squinting alot right after I get them as it's like the injections want to settle in that position and it's like I caused it myself. My eyes have been so blurry lately and I'm constantly squinting and I noticed it happening again which literally happened the last time with my squinting and having a period of really blurry eyes when that botched situation happened. The last time I did this they actually had to fix it because I looked crazy. So, since it was several days in and getting worse I decided to put the small triangle on that exact spot before bed and the next day it all went back to normal. Phew, because it is a pain to have to go back in and get something tweaked. I am going to use these as often as possible to see how much longer I can stretch out these injections. I have not gotten them done in 3 years until right now as I am writing about this because of cost and that my body just releases it after less than 2 months and it just was getting too expensive. My intentions are by using these regularly that will help me extend them and help train my face more especially when it starts to wear off. So, I feel fortunate to be able to test these in both situations. I didn't expect to even go back to injections, but one day I just had it with not feeling pretty or youthful and I put it on credit lol, and I'm manifesting that all coming back plus some because I'm worth it. Anyway, I like these, and excited to see if the bigger triangles work better, especially because you can cut them too so you wouldn't need a set of these smaller ones in addition for other areas.**Update** wrinkle taping is extending my injections by many months. It's amazing. It's been 6 months since I had them and I still look great. Maybe it's all wore off and I just look younger without them. I have no idea.

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I have been buying these for a while now and I am pretty pleased. I found that they really help to keep those lines and wrinkles at a minumum. I love that: 1) They are gentle on my skin 2) I can apply my skincare underneath and experience NO irritation 3) I wear them overnight, and they stay on the whole time and the patches themselves are easy to remove in the a.m.I tried Frownies in the past but found that they left dent marks in my skin by the morning, and furthermore, they caused irritation upon removal. Not these! The ONLY thing that I am not happy with is that no matter what I do, I always have some leftover adhesive stuck to my skin - and of course it's hard to detect until you have applied your foundation! It does take a little extra care to remove it all, but these Facial Smoothies are still worth it!

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Llegó a tiempo el producto, si es lo que dice en la descripción del mismo, me encantó y si me sirvió para lo que lo compre

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For such a simple little thing, these really pack a punch in terms of smoothing out wrinkles overnight. I wear them often and see a big difference. You have to keep it up to get a lasting effect but if you wear them most nights you will see lines reduce. I tried surgical tape when I ran out of these handy little stickers but to be honest these are worth it and are faff free.

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Diese patches sind besser als andere, auch wenn sie evtl. nicht so nachhaltig sind, sie haften sehr viel besser und wirken auch! Ausserdem sind sie sehr einfach zu benutzen und müssen nicht befeuchtet werden!! Ich kann sie auch mit meinen Cremes benutzen, meistens, lasse ich dafür die Creme jedoch vollständig einziehen bevor ich die patches aufklebe. Werde sie wieder kaufen!

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J'utilise ces bandes pour éviter d'avoir des rides sur le front. Les résultats se sont vus des le premier jour. Je suppose que chacun a sa technique, pour ma part, je coupe les bandes en 2 (1 de chaque côté du front) et les utilise 3 fois chacune. Les bandes peuvent gêner les premiers jours mais on s'habitue rapidement. Contrairement aux autres commentaires, je n'ai pas eu de réaction cutanée mais par sécurité il faut quand même faire l'essai sur une partie moins visible du visage. C'est un peu cher mais pour l'instant ça me convient parfaitement.

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Best Wrinkle Remover Strips of 2024

Updated Oct, 2024
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Buying Guide

How to Reduce the Appearance of Fine Lines with the Best Wrinkle Remover Strips

Wrinkle remover strips are an excellent preventive and proactive way to remove wrinkles and fine lines. These wrinkle patches are great for smoothing deep facial lines around the eyes, forehead, mouth, etc. 

Material Construction

Firstly, check the material used to make the wrinkle remover strips. Look for patches made of 100% medical-grade silicone, which are safe for use on the skin. This material offers optimum adhesion, improves skin hydration, promotes blood circulation, and stimulates collagen production. Therefore, be sure to opt for wrinkle remover strips made from high-quality, hypoallergenic, and non-toxic materials that will not cause any adverse reactions to your skin.

Size and Quantity

Products in this category vary in terms of size and quantity. Some packs come with more strips, while others offer a smaller count. You need to consider the area size you want to treat and the frequency of usage. If you intend to use them regularly or on larger areas, go for packs that offer more strips. Similarly, ensure the size of the wrinkle remover strips accommodates the area you plan to treat.

Durability and Comfort

Silicone patches should be sufficiently durable to withstand multiple uses. Look for reusable strips, which can be a cost-effective choice in the long run. Considering you will wear these strips on your face, they should be comfortable. They should not cause any discomfort, itching, or irritation. The strips should be thin, flexible, and soft enough to conform to your facial contours and provide all-night comfort.


Optimal adhesion is the key for wrinkle patches to work effectively. They should adhere well to your skin to help smooth out the wrinkles and fine lines. However, the adhesive should be simple to remove without causing pain or discomfort. Look for strips using acrylic or silicone gel as adhesives.

Wrinkle remover strips help you face the world with confidence and let you embrace your age gracefully. So, the next time you spot a wrinkle creeping up, remember you have a secret weapon – wrinkle remover strips.

smoothies silicone gentle wrinkle patches
smoothies silicone gentle wrinkle patches

Featured Products

Smoothies Silicone Gentle Wrinkle Patches – Facial Patches for Forehead, Elevens, Crows Feet, and Lip Lines, 56 Count per Box – Made in the USA

smoothies silicone gentle wrinkle patches


These wrinkle remover strips from Smoothies feature a unique formulation that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and uneven skin texture. These patches offer an alternative to traditional creams and serums by providing moisturizing properties, adding a layer of convenience for users. Moreover, the wrinkle remover strips are lightweight and manageable in size, fitting all areas of the face, making them ideal and effortless to wear.

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Product features

  • 56 pieces
  • Latex-free design
  • Variety shaped strips
  • Silicone gel adhesive


Should you apply moisturizer beforehand?

No. These strips will moisturize your skin. Any oil will interfere with the adhesion and block the plumping effect of the silicone.

How long should you wear these wrinkle patches?

You should wear the wrinkle remover strips for two or more hours.

Smoothies Triangle Wrinkle Patches for Face Overnight - Facial Patches for Elevens, Crows Feet and Lip Lines, 144 Count per Box - Made in the USA

smoothies triangle wrinkle patches overnight


The Smoothies wrinkle remover strips effectively respond to the need for a non-invasive, simple method to mitigate wrinkles, thus immensely appealing to consumers seeking an alternative to injections and other procedures. Its ergonomic design and optimal size make these patches ideal for specific areas such as between the eyebrows, lip lines, naso-baial folds, and crow’s feet. Plus, being hypoallergenic highlights their safety profile - making them well-suited even for those with sensitive skin types.

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Product features

  • 144 pieces
  • BPA-free design
  • Triangle shaped strips
  • Strong reusable adhesive


What are the dimensions of the triangle strips?

The strips are 1.3 x 1.1 inches.

Are these wrinkle remover strips scented?

No. These wrinkle patches are unscented.

Smoothies Long Wrinkle Patches for Face Overnight - Facial Patches for Forehead Fine Lines, 48 Count per Box (1.5+ Month Supply) - Made in the USA

smoothies long wrinkle patches overnight


These wrinkle remover strips from Smoothies provide an efficient, non-invasive method of smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Further contributing to their efficacy is their substantial backing, providing a comfortable and robust design that helps prevent new wrinkles from occurring. Moreover, this proactive approach to remedying and preventing the manifestation of wrinkles adds another dimension to its appeal.

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Product features

  • 48 pieces
  • Paraben-free design
  • Long forehead-shaped strips
  • Skin-friendly acrylic adhesive


What is the purpose of the transparent design?

The transparent design lets you see if your skin is smooth beneath.

When should you apply these patches?

You should apply these patches once your face has been cleaned and dried or once your serums and creams have absorbed into your skin.

Amazon Reviews

Read the review on Amazon
"I’ve been using these for at least five years now since I gave up spending hundreds of dollars for Botox. They work great. I’m 70 years old and have no 11s on my forehead. I’d recommend them to anybody who doesn’t have an extra $400 every eight weeks they’re reusable they’re easy to put on and take They also When they’re new And for me, they have no effect on my skin, other than to smooth out my wrinkles."
Read the review on Amazon
"I've been using these for years and I’m constantly getting asked what do I use. I started using them because I sleep on my side and I would wake up with lines under my eyes and on my forehead. Then I discovered how well they worked and started using them all over, on my 11’s and my marionettes.I've referred so many women to these that I asked to be an affiliate.These really do work and turn back the clock. Better than botox because they don't have all those nasty chemicals. But, if you use botox, these are great for in between treatments.I love the gentle ones because they are easy to remove. I've used the variety pack, but those can’t be used under the eyes.And just a little secret between us girls, if you put these under your eyes and wear them overnight, they get rid of puffiness better than any eye cream, ice or hemorrhoid cream.There, now my secret is out for the Amazon world to see. I feel better, and so will you when you add these to cart."
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